function send2cb(link) { if(link!="") { window.location = "click.php"; } } function send2link(link) { if(link!="") { window.location = "cbmsg.php"; } } function link_not_set() { alert("It appears that you haven't yet entered your ClickBank Nickname on your Buy Now Button block in the PitchMagic editor. Until you enter your Nickname, the Buy Now Button won't be able to link to your ClickBank product."); } function regaddress(item) { var ename = $("#emailsignup_name_"+item).val(); var eemail = $("#emailsignup_email_"+item).val(); if(eemail=="") { alert("Please enter your email."); $("#emailsignup_email_"+item).focus(); return false; } if(eemail.indexOf("@")==-1||eemail.indexOf(".")==-1) { alert("Please make sure you entered a valid email."); $("#emailsignup_email_"+item).focus(); return false; } if(eemail!="") { post_items = "n5rt="+encodeURIComponent(ename); post_items += "&amt="+encodeURIComponent(eemail); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/regaddress.php", data: post_items, async: false, cache: false, dataType: "text" }).done(function( msg ) { msg = msg.replace(/\n/g, "
"); //alert(msg); if(msg=="1") { $("#emailsignup_name_"+item).val(''); $("#emailsignup_email_"+item).val(''); $("#emailsignup_msg_"+item).html('
  Message Sent'); return true; } }).fail(function() { //alert("error"); }); } }